Tuesday, October 07, 2008


ok.. long time.. but was seriously, sort of, stuck up in these worldly things called 'exams' and 'assignments'.. :p

If I remember well, last week, I had a deadline to meet *everyday*.. thats too much.. considering every deadline should have taken atleast 2 days so that I could do justice to its purpose..

Seems IITians are anyways too pressed for time... No one wants to meet anyone else... not because they are the reserved lot, but because they have an assignment deadline the next day.. I mean, who would want to miss on his or her assignment to just come and chat with someone? I think we all understand the importance of socializing. But we are helpless.

Hope there are some solutions to these problems.. IIT Bombay, the innovator of solutions must surely generate a plan.. :-) Or can anyone else come up with one? Let us C..

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