Sunday, March 01, 2009


Slumdog Millionares

You know you are better than you are assumed to be. Yet you aren't recognized. Why do people have prejudices? Why does the state of your past behaviour affect the judgement of you today? You aren't being over-confident. You don't say 'I m the best'. You only say 'I am better than you think'. But that is taken as an exaggeration. As if you want to mock someone without having proper credentials to do so.
But then, one day, you make it - and you make it big! All those narrow-minded fellows start worshiping you. But in introspect, you know you haven't changed. You are the same old being. You know you were not boasting, you were only being truthful.
You have got a name: "Slumdog Millionare". There are many of your type: a film industry, two young kids and a nation...

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